Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dog Obedience Food Etiquette 102

Maya's boyfriend, Sammy came and stayed with us during the Xmas and New Year break for 3 weeks and he was put thru a strict regime of Obedience Food Etiquettecy.........

All enjoyed the bacon rashes indeed!!!

Dog Obedience Food Etiquette 101

Serious training on the dogs on the etiquette of eating bacon rashes.....deep concentration and lots of drooling................

Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Shots

Maya admiring Alice-mum freshly painted red- toenails (she got taste girlfriend!!)
Alice-mum & Sabre
Sabre trying to inched her way onto Alice-mum's rug...she is such a rascal!!!

Meg, Grace, Zack, Maya & Sabre bonding well.

Gosh!!! Zack is longer, fatter and heavier than petite Grace, but he was so gentle with her.

Meg showing the technique on how to pat all three stoogies simultaneously. She did an excellent job.

The innocent look (...NOT!!!)

Damn, where are the ear plugs!!....Alice-mum is about to jam on her jembe drum again......
All together again for this Family Photo (Zack is trying to hide behind Alice-mum hair....he is camera shy...NOT!!!)