Saturday, January 12, 2008


NAME: Sabre

ORIGIN OF NAME: The light sabre from STARWARS because I was a very destructive puppy!!!

NICKNAME: Sabe, Bitch (thats when Alice-Mum catches me destroying things again!!)

AGE: 2.5 years old

COLOUR: tan/white

WEIGHT: 30 kg (very petite)

LIKES: Red Frogs lollies, Chocolate paddlepop ice-cream, all types of junk food!!!!!

DISLIKES: dog food pallets, cats!!!!( actually I love chasing them.....), sleeping outside

BEST FEATURES: demure, loyal, cutie, butter-won't-melt-in-my-mouth attitude, good alert guarddog minding the perimeter while Big Bro and Big Sis are having their siestas

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